1. Stream Link or Live Stream URL: Enter the link to the video or live stream you want to embed here.
2. User-Agent: If the link requires a User-Agent, enter it here.
3. Referrer: Enter the Referrer if the link requires it.
4. Package Name: If the link requires a package name, enter it here.
5. Hide Cast Button: Check this option to hide the cast button when playing the video.
6. Httpcanary Alternative: Check this option to replace the link automatically if the user has the Httpcanary app.
7. Playlist (M3U): Select this option if the link is a playlist.
8. Browser Player: Use this option to open the link in a browser player.
9. Automatic Click: Check this option to automatically click the play button.
10. Default Video Player: This option is selected by default to play the video in EXO PLAYER.
11. Web Player: Use this option to play the video inside a webView.
12. Generate HTML Code: Click the "Generate" button to Generate the HTML code and the test link.
Additional Explanation:
Referrer: The referrer is the URL of the page you came from. It is sometimes used to verify the source of the request before allowing access to certain content and helps prevent unauthorized access.
User-Agent: The User-Agent is a string that identifies the user or the software making the request. It can contain information such as the browser type and operating system. Some servers require it to determine if access to specific resources is allowed.
Package Name: The package name is a unique identifier for an application on a specific platform, such as Android. It can be used to control the execution of applications and the resources associated with them.